MSDS Distribution Requirements for Chemical Manufacturers

MSDS Distribution Requirements for Chemical Manufacturers

Are you a chemical manufacturer struggling to keep up with MSDS/SDS distribution requirements?

It’s important for chemical manufacturers to stay updated on the latest regulations and stay compliant. Continuously reviewing scientific evidence of your products’ effects can be overwhelming.

Follow our guide to stay up to date with the latest SDS and MSDS distribution requirements. Don’t let yourself get behind in terms of compliance. Here you will learn everything you need to know quickly and easily so that your organization stays safe and secure.

As a chemical manufacturer, you have a responsibility. You need to review the scientific evidence of chemical hazards. Read on to learn about MSDS and SDS distribution requirements now.

What Are SDS and MSDS?

SDS stands for Safety Data Sheet, whereas MSDS stands for Material Safety Data Sheet. They refer to the document that provides detailed information. This includes the safe handling, storage, and disposal of potentially hazardous substances.

This includes chemicals, gases, liquids, and solids. An SDS provides important information about a material’s physical characteristics. It also covers reactivity and health hazards associated with it.

Why Is MSDS Important for Chemical Manufacturers?

This is an important document. It provides detailed information about a particular hazardous material. It contains information on chemical properties and potential risks. It also gives details on safety measures to be taken when handling it.

MSDS documents are used to help ensure the safety of workers who may come into contact with hazardous materials. They also provide information on how to properly store and dispose of certain chemicals. This helps to reduce the risk of injury or health hazards. They also outline the proper safety measures to take in case of an emergency or accident involving such substances.

Distribution Requirements for Chemical Manufacturers

Chemical manufacturers must meet certain requirements for distributing their products. These include regulations governing the labeling, packaging, and transportation of chemicals.

For example, all chemical containers must be clearly labeled. It should include the product’s name and its hazardous components. Manufacturers must also provide detailed instructions on how to safely use and store the chemicals they produce.

Regulations may also apply to the way items are distributed. This ensures that all shipments are securely packed and properly tracked during transit.

Role of the Chemical Manufacturer, Distributor, and Importer

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, is a federal agency within the Department of Labor. Their role is to save lives. It helps to prevent workplace injuries while maintaining the well-being of American employees.

The OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.1200 is called the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS 2012). It helps to keep people safe in the workplace by having information about hazardous chemicals and how to use them safely.
It’s useful to understand the role of chemical manufacturers, distributors, and importers. They are defined below:

Chemical Manufacturer

Any employer that manufactures, processes, formulates or repackages a hazardous chemical. They are deemed as having a “workplace where chemical(s) are produced for use or distribution.”

These employers must take extra caution to ensure the safety of their employees and customers.


Refers to individuals who work in businesses. They distribute hazardous chemicals to other vendors or employers. This excludes chemical manufacturers and importers.


This is the first business within the United States Customs Territory to obtain hazardous chemicals from foreign entities. The Importer can then provide them to American companies or other distributors.

Understanding the Material Safety Data Sheet

To ensure safety standards are met, the Hazard Communication Standard requires an MSDS. However, no specific format is prescribed for its presentation. MSDS from different manufacturers can vary significantly in an organization and the way it looks.

To help create a cohesive standard for the MSDS format, The American National Standards Institute has a format. It released its voluntary regulations that divide MSDS data into 16 distinct parts. This ensures accuracy and organization across all areas of an MSDS.

All manufacturers should follow a 16-part blueprint for titling sections. However, what’s included under each heading is subject to their own discretion.

Section 1 – Product and Company Identification

This should include the name of the manufacturer and their contact details. It should give details about the product, including the chemical number, chemical family, and family date prepared.

Section 2 – Composition and Information on Ingredients

This section should cover any ingredients and break down any chemical ingredients. It should be divided between the Active ingredient and the Inert ingredient the chemical contains. There should also be the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number somewhere in this section.

Section 3 – Hazard Identification

You need to provide an emergency overview. This will include any potential health effects as well as chronic effects from the chemical.

Section 4 – First Aid Measures

This section needs to be broken down into the effects the chemical will have on eyes, skin exposure, inhalation, and ingestion. It will also include a summary of notes to be used by a physician.

Section 5 – Firefighting Measures

This needs to include details on the flash point as well as lower explosive and upper explosive limits. It also needs to have details on what to use to tackle the fire. It should include specific personal protective equipment needed as well as any special procedures to take.

Section 6 – Accidental Release Measures

Add details about any evacuation procedures for accidental release. Includes notes on how to contain the chemical and for spill cleanup. It should also include disposal notes as well as any environmental and regulatory reporting needed.

Section 7 – Handling and Storage

You need to state what the minimum and maximum storage temperatures are, as well as where the items need to be stored. It also needs to give details about handling the products.

Section 8 – Exposure Controls and Personal Protection

Details should be provided about what PPE a user needs to wear. This includes items to prevent ingestion, eye contact, and skin exposure. It should also have information about exposure limits.

Section 9 – Physical and Chemical Properties

Write details about the color and odor of the chemical and other characteristics. Also include pH level, as well as vapor pressure and boiling point.

Section 10 – Stability and Reactivity

Add detailed notes about the chemical stability, including things like hazardous polymerization. Also, note what conditions to avoid as well as any chemical incompatibility.

Section 11 – Toxicological Information

Add details of how the chemical reacts from laboratory tests. This will cover things like the impact on eyes, reproduction, respiratory, and skin.

Section 12 – Ecological Information

You’ll need to add details on how the chemical affects the environment and what impact it had. Add details about any eco-acute toxicity to aquatic life, mammals, insects, and avian species.

Section 13 – Disposal Considerations

Details and procedures for correct disposal. If you use a third-party company for this, include details for their company.

Section 14 – Transportation Information

Include the correct shipping name if it’s different. Also, note the hazard class and UN number. Include information on any special storage as well as the packing group.

Section 15 – Regulatory Information

Add in any workplace classification as well as SARA Title 3 – Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA). You’ll also need to include the TSCA status, RCRA classification, and CERCLA reportable quantity.

Section 16 – Other Information

Include information on National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) rating. Also, add details on any issue number that revision or supersedes dates. This section will also include who holds the responsibility for MSDS. It will have their contact details showing the address and telephone number.

Additional Useful Infomation

There are numerous rules and regulations you will need to follow from the MSDS sheet. There is also additional information you should be following.
HCS 2012, paragraph (d) states that chemical manufacturers and importers are mandated. This helps to classify the hazards of substances they produce or import. They accurately display this information on product labels as well as Safety Data Sheets.


“Chemical manufacturers and importers shall evaluate chemicals produced in their workplaces or imported by them to classify the chemicals by this section.

For each chemical, the chemical manufacturer or importer shall determine the hazard classes and, where appropriate, the category of each class that apply to the chemical being classified. Employers are not required to classify chemicals unless they choose not to rely on the classification performed by the chemical manufacturer or importer for the chemical to satisfy this requirement.”


“Chemical manufacturers, importers, or employers classifying chemicals shall identify and consider the full range of available scientific literature and other evidence concerning the potential hazards. There is no requirement to test the chemical to determine how to classify its hazards. Appendix A to §1910.1200 shall be consulted for classification of health hazards, and Appendix B to §1910.1200 shall be consulted for the classification of physical hazards.”

Need to Know More About Your Responsibility As a Chemical Manufacturer?

As chemical manufacturers, it’s essential to understand the MSDS distribution requirements. It’s important to display hazard information on product labels.

With all of this in mind, chemical manufacturers should consider consulting an expert. If you need further guidance or have any questions, speak to a professional. Make sure you understand your responsibilities as a chemical manufacturer by speaking to our team at Online SDS. Contact us today to get started.